3 Reasons To Switch To Automated Spray Lubrication
If your equipment or machinery needs regular lubrication, then you might be doing this job manually. You can, however, set up spray lubrication systems that do this job automatically. You simply program the system to lubricate key parts and components to your chosen schedule. However, what are the benefits of switching to an automated lubrication process?
1. Get More Precise Lubrication
If you run manual lubrication processes, then you probably give this job to one or more of your workers. They might have set up a regular schedule where they go round your facility and lubricate everything that looks like it needs it. While this solution is better than not lubricating at all, it does have downsides. For example, a machine might need lubricating before its scheduled turn. If the machine runs too dry, it might not work correctly. Or, it might suffer from excessive wear, damage, or even a breakdown. This jeopardizes the life of the equipment. Plus, if it is a key part of a production line process, it could hold up the process. This hits your bottom line. However, if you use an automated spray lubrication system, then the system lubricates as needed. You don't have to worry about keeping your parts in good order.
2. Stop Wasting Oil
You might find that you're currently using more oil or grease than you need if you lube by hand. Your maintenance crew might overlubricate in an attempt to keep everything topped up. When they do this job, they might automatically lubricate every part at the same time. You might waste oil or grease by adding it to parts that don't actually need it. Alternatively, an automatic system dispenses lube as it is needed. This is a much more efficient process that eliminates waste and cuts your costs.
3. Create Less Mess
It's important to try to reduce excess lube on working parts. This oil or grease won't stay on a moving part; it will ultimately drip off it. If you lubricate manually, then you might find it hard to exactly control how much lubrication you add and where it goes. Unfortunately, this excess can make a mess. If it drips on the floor it can create a safety hazard; if it drips on something you're making or working on, then it leaves a mark. As an alternative, automated systems lubricate to exact need and in all the right places. They reduce the risk of drips and spills.
To find out more about spray lubrication systems, contact automated spray lubrication suppliers.